jeudi 15 septembre 2016

PayPal Sandbox transactions are not showing for seller

I've used my live PayPal account to login to where I created 2 new accounts buyer@ (personal) and seller@ (business). I've implemented a PayPal plugin for a shop (CubeCart + PayPal Standard Payment Gateway plugin When I complete an order (sandbox testing) I sign using buyer@ email and password and complete the order. I can then click to view account and it shows "payment to", "unclaimed" and the amount I've paid. When I logout of this account and login as my buyer@, I see no transactions. If I log back into and go to transactions under "Sandbox" section and select any of the email addresses I see the same statement for all of them "You don't have any transactions".

If I login to using james-facilitator@ account (business) there are no transactions here either.

If I login to using james-buyer@ account (personal) there is only the one initial transaction here for the initial 9,999 funds

I've obviously missed something but I can't think what, I'm not sure how a sandbox account knows who it's seller should be but I've checked both sandbox seller accounts. I find it strange that the buyer account I used has registered the transaction but it seems like it's orphaned as there isn't any other record of it any where else including the sandbox transaction. I've tried this several times to see if I could get it working and I've also allowed for 24 hours just in case there was a delay somewhere.

I just want to be able to test transactions before going live.

Any help/advice?

Much appreciated :)



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