jeudi 15 septembre 2016

Spock: Iteratig over a naviator object

In the Page class, I have the content like below:

static content {
child_criteria(wait: true) { $("li", class: "child").find("div",class:"childSelectIndex targetChildAgeFormContainer") }

And now using this content, I am trying to find the select tag and print the selected values. Code is here:

    def child_age_boxes = child_criteria.find("li",class:"targetChildAgeForm",style:"")
                def age_box_iterator =  child_age_boxes.iterator()
                println age_box_iterator.size()
                //It prints :4

                println age_box_iterator.hasNext()
                //It prints false


I saw this answer but want to know how to iterate using iterator? I found the iterator function of Navigator object HERE. It is like this:

Iterator<Navigator> iterator()

UPDATE: I don't know why even showing the size:4, the hasNext() is returning: false?

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