jeudi 25 août 2016

Coded UI Test Button Click Not Working

I have a coded ui test on web form. It has the event :

Mouse.Click(uINextButton1, new Point(20, 7));

The problem is:

  1. Button does actually get clicked
  2. But the Page does not give any response, i.e. the button's job is to forward to a next page of web form but it doesn't.

or in short, The Button click event does not fire when clicked by the Coded UI Test. When clicked manually (outside of the test) it works. When clicked manually inside of the coded ui test, it again doesn't work.

I tested the web form application on internet explorer (same as coded ui) manually. The same button works when I click by mouse manually (outside of the test) i.e. the next page actually loads.

This has been troubling me for a week now. If any solution or pointers, plz help.


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