mardi 30 juin 2015

Send POST request through QUnit

I want to test a JavaScript method which sends POST message. I am using QUnit as my testing framework, but for some reason I am unable to send POST message when I call through QUnit. Here is the method to be tested:

function createObject(currentProject, name){
        "action": "createSomething",            
        "name": name            
    function(data) {    //Receive data from backend
        if (data.status == "ok") {
            //do something
        //do other things

When I call this method from my QUnit test, I don't see any call being made to back end. How to send a POST message using QUnit? I want to receive some data as a JSON response and manipulate that data for other purpose, which seems interesting to test. Also my question is, is there other better ways to test such functions?

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