mardi 4 août 2015

Comparing data in oracle User Defined Types

I am trying to test functions in an oracle database. I have 2 schemas ("Baseline" schema and an "Actual" schema) The function returns a data type. I would like to call the function pass the needed parms and compare the UDT result to the other function in the other schema.

This should tell me if there were any differences between the 2 functions. Does anyone know of a way to do this?

here is a snippet of my code
result1 := actual.pkg_data.get_rec(in_awardid => :in_awardid,
           in_awardtable => :in_awardtable, cc => cc);

result2 := baseline.pkg_data.get_rec(in_awardid => :in_awardid,
           in_awardtable => :in_awardtable, cc => cc);
if result1 = result2 then
  dbms_output.put_line('compare is identical');
end if;

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