mardi 4 août 2015

nightwatch testing: .sendKeys and .keys not sending key clicks

I am using node.js with nightwatch. It works great, my only issue is that my current application needs to be tested by 'pressing' all the arrow keys, and making sure the class name on the elements changes. I CANNOT get the sendKeys function to actually send a key press, and this test passes, when it should not :P. Any ideas?

module.exports = { 'chosenTest.html' : function (browser) { browser .url(path) .waitForelementVisible('div[id=columns]', 1000) .assert.containsText('div[class="choosable chosen"], 'Test 1-0') .sendKeys('div[id=columns]', ShowText(browser), browser.Keys.DOWN_ARROW) .assert.containsText('div[class="choosable chosen"]', 'Test 1-0') .pause(1000) .end() } }

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