mardi 22 septembre 2015

Appium Error: Could not get Xcode version

Appium error when trying to launch test on eclipse. I have installed Xcode 6.4 and it should work but its doesn`t

error: Could not determine Xcode version:Could not get Xcode version. /Library/Developer/Info.plist does not exist on disk.

info: [debug] Setting iOS SDK Version
info: [debug] Cleaning up appium session
info: [debug] Error: Could not get Xcode version. /Library/Developer/Info.plist does not exist on disk.
    at getVersionWithoutRetry$ (lib/xcode.js:115:11)
    at tryCatch (/Applications/
    at GeneratorFunctionPrototype.invoke [as _invoke] (/Applications/
    at GeneratorFunctionPrototype.prototype.(anonymous function) [as next] (/Applications/
    at GeneratorFunctionPrototype.invoke (/Applications/
    at bound (domain.js:254:14)
    at GeneratorFunctionPrototype.runBound (domain.js:267:12)
    at run (/Applications/
    at /Applications/
    at process._tickDomainCallback (node.js:381:11)
info: [debug] Responding to client with error: {"status":33,"value":{"message":"A new session could not be created. (Original error: Could not get Xcode version. /Library/Developer/Info.plist does not exist on disk.)","origValue":"Could not get Xcode version. /Library/Developer/Info.plist does not exist on disk."},"sessionId":null}
info: <-- POST /wd/hub/session 500 470.776 ms - 286 

error: Could not determine iOS SDK version
error: Failed to start an Appium session, err was: Error: Could not get Xcode version. /Library/Developer/Info.plist does not exist on disk.

Eclipse code


import org.openqa.selenium.remote.DesiredCapabilities;

import io.appium.java_client.ios.IOSDriver;
import io.appium.java_client.remote.MobileCapabilityType;

public class Uicatalog {

    public static void main(String[] args) throws MalformedURLException {
        DesiredCapabilities cap=new DesiredCapabilities();
        File f=new File("/Users/afiliptsov/Application to study/");
        cap.setCapability(MobileCapabilityType.PLATFORM_VERSION, "8.4");
        cap.setCapability(MobileCapabilityType.DEVICE_NAME, "iPhone 5s");
        cap.setCapability(MobileCapabilityType.BROWSER_NAME, "");
        cap.setCapability(MobileCapabilityType.APP, f.getAbsolutePath());
        IOSDriver driver = new IOSDriver(new URL(""),cap);



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