vendredi 30 octobre 2015

How to write a feature test for something that's determined by the user?

Let's say I'm working on a comments functionality that I want to add to the application I'm developing.

I can test it like so with a feature test:

scenario "they can comment on a book" do
  visit book_url(book)

  fill_in "Name", with: "John"
  fill_in "Comment", with: "This is a comment."
  click_button "Add Comment"

  expect(current_path).to eq(book_path(book))
  expect(page).to have_text("Your comment is successfully added")
  expect(page).to have_text(Comment.last.content)

But what if I also add a functionality, wherein the user can decide whether or not a comment needs an approval. If it doesn't need an approval, then the above test would work. But if the user changes the settings and decides that a comment needs an approval before being published, this test wouldn't work.

What would be a good way to write a test covering all these scenarios?

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