jeudi 28 avril 2016

FakeItEasy - Retrieve Faked object

Is there any way to retrieve the fake objects which were inserted into a faked class?


Let's say I have the following interface + class;

public interface IFakeable
    void FakeYou();

public class SomeClass
    private readonly IFakeable _fake;

    public SomeClass(IFakeable fake)
        _fake = fake;

    public void FakeCall()

And wanted to test something like the following:

public class SomeClassTests
    public void FakeCall_CallsIFakeabl_FakeYou()
        var subject = A.Fake<SomeClass>();


        A.CallTo(() => A.Fake<IFakeable>().FakeYou()).MustHaveHappened();

Is this possible without exposing the SomeClass._fake field?

Is there somewhere I can specify to use Singletons for Fakes?

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