I got some tests which relies on the output from Nlog. I've managed to redirect the output to a variable so I can dive into the string to figured out if all went ok. There must be a better way of doing this but I couldn't manage to find anything.
Here's the test and the class being tested:
public class ProcessMessagesFromQueues
private static string StuffLogged;
public void Init()
StuffLogged = string.Empty;
private static void RedirectNLog()
MethodCallTarget target = new MethodCallTarget();
target.ClassName = typeof(ProcessMessagesFromQueues).AssemblyQualifiedName;
target.MethodName = "LogMethod";
target.Parameters.Add(new MethodCallParameter("${message}"));
NLog.Config.SimpleConfigurator.ConfigureForTargetLogging(target, LogLevel.Debug);
public void GetNewSmsMessageWhenPublished()
// Subscribe
var sqs = FluentNotificationStack.Register(configuration =>
configuration.Component = "privateapnworker";
configuration.Environment = "qa28";
configuration.Tenant = "uk";
.WithMessageHandler(new ConfigurationSmsHandler())
// Publish
string fakeImei = DateTime.Now.ToLongTimeString();
string expected = $"Configuration SMS captured! Imei: {fakeImei} status StatusOk{Environment.NewLine}";
sqs.Publish(new ConfigurationSmsSent(fakeImei, "StatusOk"));
// Wait for it
// 4. Compare the messages
StringAssert.Contains(expected, StuffLogged);
public static void LogMethod(string message)
StuffLogged += message + Environment.NewLine;
The class with the output:
public class ConfigurationSmsHandler : IHandler<ConfigurationSmsSent>
private static readonly Logger Logger = LogManager.GetCurrentClassLogger();
public bool Handle(ConfigurationSmsSent message)
Logger.Info($"Configuration SMS captured! Imei: {message.Imei} status {message.Status}");
return true;
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