lundi 23 mai 2016

Mocha use data from a previous test

Hei guys,

I'd like to execute this test-cases sequentially with mocha. This means using the result of a previous test for the next one. But how to do that?

describe('some test', function(){
   var x;

   it('do something', function(done){
       x = [10, 20, 30];

  // dynamic test
      it('test number '+i, function(done){
        }, 500);

    it('do something else', function(done){


The current issue is that the forEach is always executed before x being assigned and this raise a Cannot ready property 'forEach' of undefined error.

This is the output I'd like to have:

some test:
 - do something
 - test number 1
 - test number 2
 - test number 3
 - do something else

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