jeudi 28 juillet 2016

Json Schema Validation Not Fail

I am working on Json Schema Valdation with Rest Assured api. I am getting a Json response from web service and validate with this a a schema. When I change a property in schema and run the test code, test not fail. But I wanna test that any property exist there. If one of the properties that in the schema is not exist in response test must be fail. But I couldn't do this. How can I do this? My Test Code:

public void catalogButiqueDetailTest(){
    File file = new File("src/test/resources/generatedJson/boutiqueDetailSchema.json");
    JsonSchemaFactory jsonSchemaFactory = JsonSchemaFactory.newBuilder().setValidationConfiguration(ValidationConfiguration.newBuilder().setDefaultVersion(SchemaVersion.DRAFTV4).freeze()).freeze();


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