vendredi 5 août 2016

test service class using es6 in angular

I have a service class written in es6 for an angular application. It is requesting an api using http for data. Now I want to test the service through mocha and chai. Here is what service looks like:

"use strict";
const HTTP = new WeakMap();
class EventService{
    constructor($http, moment){
        HTTP.set(this, $http);
        this.$http = $http;
        this.url = 'http://test/api/events?';
        this.apiKey = '1234asd';

        return this.$http({
            url: this.url + 'from=' + this.from + '&to=' + + '&apiKey=' + this.apiKey,
            method: "GET",
            crossDomain: true,
            headers: {
                'Content-Type': 'application/json; charset=utf-8'

EventService.$inject = ['$http', 'moment'];

export default EventService;


module.exports = function(config) {

    // base path that will be used to resolve all patterns (eg. files, exclude)
    basePath: '',

    // frameworks to use
    // available frameworks:
    frameworks: ['mocha', 'chai'],

    // list of files / patterns to load in the browser
    files: [

    // list of files to exclude
    exclude: [

    // preprocess matching files before serving them to the browser
    // available preprocessors:
    preprocessors: {

    // test results reporter to use
    // possible values: 'dots', 'progress'
    // available reporters:
    reporters: ['progress'],

    // web server port
    port: 9876,

    // enable / disable colors in the output (reporters and logs)
    colors: true,

    // level of logging
    // possible values: config.LOG_DISABLE || config.LOG_ERROR || config.LOG_WARN || config.LOG_INFO || config.LOG_DEBUG
    logLevel: config.LOG_INFO,

    // enable / disable watching file and executing tests whenever any file changes
    autoWatch: true,

    // start these browsers
    // available browser launchers:
    browsers: ['Chrome'],

    // Continuous Integration mode
    // if true, Karma captures browsers, runs the tests and exits
    singleRun: false,

    // Concurrency level
    // how many browser should be started simultaneous
    concurrency: Infinity

Now I am just trying to get the test suite up and running, however, I am getting the following error when I run karma start:

Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token export
  at lib/shared/services/events-service.js

Which is at the export command of the service. Would I have to do some configuration changes to make this work?

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