mardi 27 septembre 2016

How can I test a React Native component behaviour and props using Jest?

I have successfully set up the Jest test environment in a React Native component that draws a Button (basically a combination of Touchable and Text components).

I can run snapshot tests like the following:

test('Renders', () => {
  const component = renderer.create(
  const tree = component.toJSON()

However, I want to make a step further and start testing the props of the component (i.e., checking that the Button text is passed as props.children and I also want to test the onPress functionality, simulating the user tap and checking that a passed function is called.

How can I do this with a Jest + React Native environment?

PS: I'm currently running this code with react-native ~> v0.34, jest ~> v15.1.1 and jest-react-native ~> v15.0.0.

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