mardi 7 mars 2017

Creating Action with codecept build in Codeception

I make my first steps in creating functional tests with codeception.

This is my functional.suite.yml

class_name: FunctionalTester
        - PhpBrowser:
            url: 'http://localhost'
- \Helper\Functional

Now I want to generate the actions for the FunctionalTester. I use this command:

vendor/bin/codecept build

No methods are added. I expected that methods like amOnUrl($url) are created in the trait FunctionalTesterActions. But this is my result.

Building Actor classes for suites: unit, acceptance, functional
 -> UnitTesterActions.php generated successfully. 0 methods added
\UnitTester includes modules: Asserts, \Helper\Unit
 -> AcceptanceTesterActions.php generated successfully. 0 methods added
\AcceptanceTester includes modules: PhpBrowser, \Helper\Acceptance
 -> FunctionalTesterActions.php generated successfully. 0 methods added
\FunctionalTester includes modules: \Helper\Functional, REST, PhpBrowser

The configuration should be OK. I tested this with the command

vendor/bin/codecept config:validate

What is my mistake? Thanks for every hint.

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