mardi 14 mars 2017

JUnit catch exeptions in tests

This is my problem: I've been provided an application and I have to write test casesin order to test it using JUnit. For example: Istantiate an object with a property String name and this field cannot be longer tan 10 characters. How do I catch it into the test method? Here is my code: The class to be tested is:


import hdss.exceptions.HydricDSSException;

public class AquiferPublicData implements WaterResourceTypePublicData {
    private String myName;
    private float currentHeight;

    public AquiferPublicData (String name, float current)   throws HydricDSSException{

        try {
            if(name.length()>10) //name must be shorter than 11 chars
                throw new HydricDSSException("Name longer than 10");
                myName = name;      
                currentHeight = current;
        } catch (HydricDSSException e) {            

    public String getMyName() {
        return myName;

My test method is:

package hdss.tests;

import static org.junit.Assert.*;

import org.junit.Test;

import hdss.exceptions.HydricDSSException;

public class AquiferPublicDataTest {

    public void testAquiferPublicData() {
        String notValidName = "this-name-is-too-long";
        try {
            AquiferPublicData apd = new AquiferPublicData(notValidName, 10);
            fail("Was supposed to throw Exception if name is longer than 10 chars");
        } catch (HydricDSSException e) {
            assertEquals("Name longer than 10", e.getMessage());


And the Exception is:

package hdss.exceptions;

public class HydricDSSException extends Exception{

    private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
    String message;

    //Esfuerzo Actual: 1.5 minutos

    public HydricDSSException (String message){

        this.message = message;

    //Esfuerzo Actual: 1.5 minutos

    public String getMessage(){

        return this.message;


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