mercredi 15 mars 2017

@RunWith(Cucumber.class) and @Autowired MockMvc

I try to use MockMvc within Cucumber tests but no spring dependencies are resolved.

I've create this class :

@CucumberOptions(format = "pretty", features = "src/test/resources/features"})
public class CucumberTest {


to run cucumber feature

And this class for steps :

public class VersionControllerSteps {

    private MockMvc mvc;

    private MvcResult result;

    @When("^the client calls /version$")
    public void the_client_issues_GET_version() throws Throwable {
        result = mvc.perform(get("/version")).andDo(print()).andReturn();

    @Then("^the client receives status code of (\\d+)$")
    public void the_client_receives_status_code_of(int statusCode) throws Throwable {

    @And("^the client receives server version (.+)$")
    public void the_client_receives_server_version_body(String version) throws Throwable {

but this throw exception :

at ✽.When the client calls /version(version.feature:8)

Here is the .feature :

Feature: the version can be retrieved

  As a api user
  I want to know which api version is exposed
  In order to be a good api user

  Scenario: client makes call to GET /version
    When the client calls /version
    Then the client receives status code of 200
    And the client receives server version 1.0

How to configure my test to use cucumber and spring-boot ?

Thanks in advance.

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