jeudi 25 mai 2017

How to share test interfaces between Go packages?

Go doesn't share code between test files of different packages, so definitions of test interfaces aren't automatically reused. How can we work around this in practice?

Example using testing/quick:


package foo

type Thing int

const (
  X Thing = iota


package bar

import (

type Box struct {
  Thing foo.Thing

We want to property test foo, so we define testing/quick.Generate on Thing:


package foo

import (

func (_ Thing) Generate(r *rand.Rand, sz int) reflect.Value {
  return reflect.ValueOf(Thing(r.Intn(3)))

func TestGenThing(t *testing.T) {
  r := rand.New(rand.NewSource(time.Now().UTC().UnixNano()))
  for i := 0; i < 5; i++ {
    val, _ := quick.Value(reflect.TypeOf(Thing(0)), r)
    tng, _ := val.Interface().(Thing)
    t.Logf("%#v\n", tng)

quick.Value returns Things in the range [0,3) as expected:

$ go test -v foo
=== RUN   TestGenThing
--- PASS: TestGenThing (0.00s)
        foo_test.go:20: 0
        foo_test.go:20: 1
        foo_test.go:20: 2
        foo_test.go:20: 1
        foo_test.go:20: 2
ok      foo     0.026s

Let's property test bar as well:

package bar

import (


func (_ Box) Generate(r *rand.Rand, sz int) reflect.Value {
  val, _ := quick.Value(reflect.TypeOf(foo.Thing(0)), r)
  tng, _ := val.Interface().(foo.Thing)
  return reflect.ValueOf(Box{tng})

func TestGenBox(t *testing.T) {
  r := rand.New(rand.NewSource(time.Now().UTC().UnixNano()))
  for i := 0; i < 5; i++ {
    val, _ := quick.Value(reflect.TypeOf(Box{}), r)
    box, _ := val.Interface().(Box)
    t.Logf("%#v\n", box)

But Box.Generate is broken. foo_test.go isn't available to bar_test.go, so quick.Value() doesn't use Thing.Generate():

$ GOPATH=$PWD go test -v bar
=== RUN   TestGenBox
--- PASS: TestGenBox (0.00s)
        bar_test.go:24: bar.Box{Thing:3919143124849004253}
        bar_test.go:24: bar.Box{Thing:-3486832378211479055}
        bar_test.go:24: bar.Box{Thing:-3056230723958856466}
        bar_test.go:24: bar.Box{Thing:-847200811847403542}
        bar_test.go:24: bar.Box{Thing:-2593052978030148925}
ok      bar     0.095s

Is there a workaround for this? How do folks use testing/quick (or any other testing library with interfaces) in practice?

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