vendredi 5 janvier 2018

How to format the date during unit-test with Ext JS format method?

I'm try to write a proper unit-test for method below. I'm trying to test the assertion within formatted date. Thusly trying to use Ext.Date.format method in assertion but it returns as failed.

How can i format the given and expected date to d.m.Y? (I'm not allowed to change method itself!)

dateAdd: function (aDate, aInterval, aValue) {
        var me = this;

        aDate = aDate ||;
        aInterval = aInterval || Ext.Date.DAY;
        aValue = aValue || 1;

        return Ext.Date.add(aDate, aInterval, aValue);

and the test assertion;

t.describe('dateAdd() method', function(t) {'should interval the given date', function(t) {
        t.expect(MyApp.dateAdd(new Date(Ext.Date.format('01.01.2018', 'd.m.Y')), Ext.Date.DAY, 1)).toBe('02.01.2018');

// Result: 
// Failed assertion `expect(got).toBe(need)` at line 64 of 01-unit-tests.js
// Got  : "Invalid Date"
// Need : "02.01.2018"

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