samedi 13 janvier 2018

Why doesn't tox run pytests?

I have the following tox.ini:

envlist = py35
deps =
commands = py.test

and the following setup.cfg:

description-file =

addopts = ./tests/ --doctest-modules --cov=./lidtk --cov-report html:tests/reports/coverage-html --pep8
doctest_encoding = utf-8

When I run py.test, I get 1 failling test (intentionally, I changed one test so that it fails). But when I run tox in the folder, I get:

GLOB sdist-make: /home/moose/GitHub/lidtk/
py35 inst-nodeps: /home/moose/GitHub/lidtk/.tox/dist/
WARNING:Discarding $PYTHONPATH from environment, to override specify PYTHONPATH in 'passenv' in your configuration.
py35 installed: beautifulsoup4==4.6.0,certifi==2017.11.5,cffi==1.11.3,chardet==3.0.4,cld2-cffi==0.1.4,idna==2.6,lidtk==0.1.0,pycparser==2.18,PyYAML==3.12,requests==2.18.4,six==1.11.0,urllib3==1.22,wikipedia==1.4.0
py35 runtests: PYTHONHASHSEED='465380300'
________________________________________________________________________________ summary ________________________________________________________________________________
  py35: commands succeeded
  congratulations :)

Why doesn't tox run py.test?

In case there are more questions: All of the code is on GitHub.

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