lundi 26 mars 2018

Creating TestCaseMixin for Django, is that a safe method?

I want to speed up my Class Based Views tests. I wrote this small test-mixin. It seems to work pretty well and is actually doing all i need. Question to more experienced players here. Is that a method safe, without any actual drawbacks? ................................................................................................................................................................

class TemplateResponseTestMixin(object):
    Basic test checking if correct response, template,
    form, is rendered for the given view.
    Can be used for any CBV that inherits from TemplateResponseMixin.
    # required
    view_class = None
    url_name = ''

    # optional (all below)
    template_name = ''

    form_class = None
    csrf_token = True

    get_status_code = 200
    post_status_code = 405

    def setUp(self):
        self.client = Client()


    def get_response(self):
        """ returns response for given view """
        return self.client.get(reverse(self.url_name))

    # TESTS #
    def test_view_used(self):
        """ check if correct view is used to render response """
        resp = self.get_response()
        self.assertIsInstance(resp.context['view'], self.view_class)

    if template_name:
        def test_template_used(self):
            """ check if correct template is used to render response """
            resp = self.get_response()
            self.assertTemplateUsed(resp, self.template_name)

    if form_class:
        def test_form_used(self):
            """ check if correct form is used to render response """
            resp = self.get_response()
            self.assertIsInstance(resp.context['form'], self.form_class)

    if csrf_token:
        def test_if_csrf_token_is_used(self):
            """ check if csrf_token is used to render response """
            resp = self.get_response()
            self.assertIn('csrf_token', resp.context)

    if get_status_code:
        def test_get_response(self):
            """ check if we receive correct status_code for GET request """
            resp = self.get_response()
            self.assertEqual(resp.status_code, self.get_status_code)

    if post_status_code:
        def test_post_response(self):
            """ check if we receive correct status_code for POST request """
            resp =, data={})
            self.assertEqual(resp.status_code, self.post_status_code)

################# THEN ##################

class RegistrationViewBasicTestCase(TemplateResponseTestMixin, SimpleTestCase):
    view_class = RegistrationView
    url_name = 'registration_form'
    template_name = 'registration/registration_form.html'
    form_class = RegistrationForm

    get_response_code = 200
    post_response_code = 200

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