I'm trying to test my VHDL code, for example:
entity fulladder4bit is
port( a,b,cin: in std_logic;
s,cout: out std_logic);
end fulladder4bit;
architecture FA4 of fulladder4bit is
signal p,g: std_logic;
p<= a xor b;
g<= a and b;
s<= p xor cin;
cout<= g or (p and cin);
end FA4;
So I wrote this testbench:
entity fulladd4_testbench is
end fulladd4_testbench;
architecture FA4_TB of fulladd4_testbench is
component fulladder4bit is
port( a,b,cin: in bit;
s,cout: out bit);
end component;
signal iA: bit;
signal iB: bit;
signal iCin: bit;
signal oS: bit;
signal oCout: bit;
fa4: fulladder4bit port map(iA, iB, iCin, oS, oCout);
end process;
end FA4_TB;
end FA4_TB;
I followed a tutorial (released by my teacher) and I clicked on Run Synthesis and after Run Simulation but Simulation loading never ends, now I push on Cancel and neither for this the loading never ends! Do I make some mistakes?
I'm using Vivado
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