jeudi 24 mai 2018

Spring Mockito Syntax error on token "boolean", Dimensions expected after this token

I'm having a problem with my Unit Test that implies my Service class in my application involing the Dao.

@Mock(answer = Answers.RETURNS_DEEP_STUBS) 
private AvisDao avisDao;

private ApiPortalsService service = new ApiPortalsServiceImpl();   

public void initMocksWS() throws Exception{

Factory factoria = FactoryImpl.getInstance();

public void testGuardarAvisos() throws Exception{
    Mockito.when(avisDao.existsPortalContingut(AvisPortal.class.cast(Matchers.anyObject()))).thenAnswer(new Answer<boolean>(){
        public boolean answer(InvocationOnMock invocation) throws Throwable{                             

            return true; 

Here is the Test class, the error is occuring when I try to set the thenAnswer with a boolean. The method existsPortalContingut that contains an object returns a boolean. This is the first time I'm trying to create a Test class if I forget something, please tell me and I'll edit it.

What I am declaring wrong?

boolean existsPortalContingut(final AvisPortal portalContenido);   

This is the method I'm trying to call in the Dao

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