I Use: react, react-testing-library, jest;
What I have is a component thar roughly does this kind of thing:
if(one condition) return <Component1 />
else return <Component2 />
The condition changes after clicking on some button. What I do in the test
component = render(<Table />);
new MouseEvent("click", {
bubbles: true, // click events must bubble for React to see it
cancelable: true,
What happens: Through console.logging I see that component render method is called again, I se that condition is changed (in the console, when running tests).
But when I look at the output it's the same output, I expected it would render Component1, as condition changed, but no. I see that the condition has changed, but can't assert it.
I didn't recreate this, hoping maybe there is something obvious I miss and need to do, and this is the way it's expected to work. If it's not something expected I'll try to recreate this.
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