mardi 31 juillet 2018

Jest & Enzyme "TypeError: symbol is not a function"

I'm getting this error while trying to mount the Create Component:

TypeError: symbol is not a function

  50 |
  51 |     it('should render the dumb Create Component', ()=>{
> 52 |         wrapper = mount(
     |                   ^
  53 |             <Provider store={store}>
  54 |                 <Router>
  55 |                     <Create/>

It also tells me this: "The above error occurred in the component:"

that comes from this part of the code:

loadingIconDiv = () => {
        <div className="loadingIcon">
            <img width='100px' src={loadingIcon} alt='Loading...'/>

Here is my test:

it('should render the Create Component', ()=>{
    wrapper = mount(
        <Provider store={store}>

I've searched everywhere but haven't found anything related to this issue. Can someone help me out?

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