jeudi 9 août 2018

Unexpected callTimes in async functions

I am testing with a react application with sinon, here is some backgrounds

  • A file uploader is created for user to upload the file to server, after the upload has completed, a dialog box will pop out showing the details of the uploaded files

Container <FWUpgradeApp />

    class UpgradeApp extends Component {
    onFileUpload() {
      this.updateProgressBar(true); // I can only get this spy call detected
      return fetch(
                   credentials: 'include',
                   method: 'POST',
                   body: formObj,
                   headers: {'X-CSRFToken': this.props.csrf},
          .then((res) => {
              if (res.status >= 400) {
                  // error handling here...
                  throw new Error(`Bad server responses, status code: ${res.status}`);
              return res.json();
          .then((ans) => {
            if (ans.success) {
                        dialog: {
                            submitFn: () => {
                                return restfulApiCall(
                                ).then((res) => {
                                    if (res.status >= 400) {
                                        // error handling here...
                                        throw new Error(`Bad server responses, status code: ${res.status}`);
                                }).catch((err) => {
                                    console.log('in catch');
                                    this.updateProgressBar(false); // Want to test whether this fn is called

Test upgrade.spec.js
The test is to check whether the function this.updateProgressBar is being executed, but I only get the called spyed in first call, but not the second one.

From the order of console log message, I can see in catch is before in then, so it is pretty sure that the catch block is being executed before the test case evaluating the function, is there any clues regarding on this? Thank you

const spyUpdateProgressBar = spy(fwupgradeAppInstance, 'updateProgressBar');

it('should hide the progress bar when upgrade is failed', function (done) {, mockOkUploadHttpResponse);, mockHttpUpgradeResponse);

        fwupgradeAppInstance.onFileUpload().then(() => {
            const mockButtons2 = wrapper.find(ADialog).dive().at(0).find(Button);
            expect(spyUpdateProgressBar.calledOnce).to.equal(true); // This test is passed as expected

            // simulate upgrade process
            console.log('in then');

        setImmediate(() => {
            expect(spyUpdateProgressBar.calledOnce).to.equal(true); // failed in this expect, expecting true but get false

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