mercredi 8 août 2018

Using Karate inside a SBT project

I am using Karate to write integration tests inside a Scala/SBT project. Moreover, the integration tests written with Karate are also used as Performance tests as written in the documentation

Karate is the only open-source tool that combines web-API testing and test-doubles into a single, unified test automation framework. And you can re-use API Functional Tests as Performance Tests !

Later in the documentation, it's noted than we can use Cucumber Options to launch one or more test as mvn test -Dtest=CatsRunner. As all the example use maven, and I use SBT.

So I tried to launch one test with this command sbt test -Dtest=CatsRunner but with no success.

Have you any ideas to launch one Karate test with SBT ? Thanks :)

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