mardi 25 septembre 2018

Override autowired instance with a mock

ServiceInstance.createInstance is supposed to be called when a PUT call is made to the URL below. To be able to test if the correct method is called when a PUT request is sent, I want to mock the object(ServiceInstance) that has the method called. However, the mock doesn't override the real instance. What am I missing in this setting?

@SpringBootTest(classes = { MySpringBootApplication.class })

public class ServiceTest {

ServiceInstance serviceInstance;

public static void setUp() {, new String[] {});

public void sendPutRequest() throws JSONException, ClientProtocolException, IOException {
    CloseableHttpClient httpClient = HttpClientBuilder.create().build();
    HttpPut putRequest = new HttpPut("http://localhost:8080/v2/instances/1");

    Mockito.verify(serviceInstance, Mockito.times(1)).createInstance(Mockito.any());



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