dimanche 27 janvier 2019

How can I write an effective test for game code with a while loop?

I have been writing a simple connect four game in python today. I intend for the game to have comprehensive tests.

I have written tests for all of my methods besides the main game loop. I am unsure of how to write an effective test for the main game loop.

In the below function:

  • self.move gets the player's move and puts it into the game board; and

  • is_game_complete() returns a bool depending on whether the game is complete.

Both of the above have effective tests.

I am unsure of how to write a useful test for the below. Is a test appropriate?

def game_loop(self):
    while True:
        for active_player in self.players:
            if self.game_checker.is_game_complete():
                return active_player

I expect that there is a neat way to write a test, or that a test is unlikely to be useful here.

Thank you very much for any response.

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