jeudi 28 février 2019

Creating an instance of UserManager

I'm very new to the concept of mocking and I struggle with injecting/mocking an UserManager<T> to my tests

I need to use await _userManager.CreateAsync(user, password);

I've found this one

public static UserManager<TUser> TestUserManager<TUser>(IUserStore<TUser> store = null) where TUser : class
    store = store ?? new Mock<IUserStore<TUser>>().Object;
    var options = new Mock<IOptions<IdentityOptions>>();
    var idOptions = new IdentityOptions();
    idOptions.Lockout.AllowedForNewUsers = false;
    options.Setup(o => o.Value).Returns(idOptions);
    var userValidators = new List<IUserValidator<TUser>>();
    var validator = new Mock<IUserValidator<TUser>>();
    var pwdValidators = new List<PasswordValidator<TUser>>();
    pwdValidators.Add(new PasswordValidator<TUser>());
    var userManager = new UserManager<TUser>(store, options.Object, new PasswordHasher<TUser>(),
        userValidators, pwdValidators, new UpperInvariantLookupNormalizer(),
        new IdentityErrorDescriber(), null,
        new Mock<ILogger<UserManager<TUser>>>().Object);
    validator.Setup(v => v.ValidateAsync(userManager, It.IsAny<TUser>()))

    return userManager;

But this throws

System.NotSupportedException : Store does not implement IUserPasswordStore.

How can I create an working UserManager<T> instance in tests?

I'm using Xunit

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