vendredi 12 avril 2019

How to override default Odoo test cases's methods in my custom test case?

I want to override default Odoo test cases (that are failing) in my custom test cases in order to pass them explicitly(requirement). Please help me Thanks in advance...

from addons.sale_stock.tests.test_sale_order_dates import TestSaleExpectedDate
from odoo.tests import tagged

at_install = True
post_install = True
at_update = True

@tagged('post_install', '-at_install')
class Prior(TestSaleExpectedDate):
    def test_sale_order_commitment_date(self):
        super(Prior, self).test_sale_order_commitment_date()
        print("Test executed successfully in prior")

Overriden method -------

@tagged('post_install', '-at_install')
class TestSaleExpectedDate(common.TransactionCase):
    def test_sale_order_commitment_date(self):

    # In order to test the Commitment Date feature in Sales Orders in Odoo,
    # I copy a demo Sales Order with committed Date on 2010-07-12
    # I confirm the Sales Order.
    # I verify that the Procurements and Stock Moves have been generated with the correct date
       right_date = commitment_date - security_delay
       for line in new_order.order_line:
           self.assertEqual(line.move_ids[0].date_expected,right_date, "The expected date for the Stock Move is wrong")

But the method is not being overridden! Again I am getting the message as Test Case FAILED

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