mardi 9 avril 2019

@MicronautTest does not start the embedded server

I am writing a Spock test for controllers in an app using Micronaut. When using @MicronautTest(application=Application), it throws exception with message @MicronautTest used on test but no bean definition for the test present..

On examining the code, I see the following 2 reasons why Micronaut throws this exception. From io.micronaut.test.extensions.spock.MicronautSpockExtension :

    if (this.specDefinition == null) {
        if (!this.isTestSuiteBeanPresent((Class)spec.getReflection())) {
          throw new InvalidSpecException("@MicronautTest used on test but no bean definition for the test present. This error indicates a misconfigured build or IDE. Please add the 'micronaut-inject-java' annotation processor to your test processor path (for Java this is the testAnnotationProcessor scope, for Kotlin kaptTest and for Groovy testCompile). See the documentation for reference:");

My POM configuration is:


If I do not define the annotation the test @MicronautTest, it seems that the application doesn't even start.

How I can either defined the specDefinition value or mark the test in such a way that it is present as a bean definition and what is the reason for such a behavior. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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