lundi 1 avril 2019

Mocking redis in python

I am trying to mock redis to enable testing of my python app which is built in Django. All of my instances of redis come from a module named record, with the file containing:

redis_client = redis.from_url(os.environ.get("REDIS_URL"))

I tried to patch the instance with mockredis, but it is not working. Here is mode code:

class TestReleaseDashboard(TestCase):
    def setUp(self):

        # patch redis
        redis_patcher = patch('record.redis_client', mock_redis_client())
        self.redis = redis_patcher.start()

        # add data
        self.redis.set('LATEST_UPDATE', 'Fall 2012')
        self.redis.set('NEXT_UPDATE', 'Spring 2013')

    def test_can_filter_pensions(self):

The result of those two print statements is:

<mockredis.client.MockRedis object at 0x1132924d0>

What can I do to fix this and mock the instance?

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