lundi 8 avril 2019

Send Email custom library in robot framework for multiple user email

Could anyone please guide me to write script for multiple e-mails notification of test results.

import smtplib from email.mime.text import MIMEText

class EmailClient():

def __init__(self, my_address):
    self.my_address = my_address

def send(self, message, subject, user, email):

    header = "Hello " + str(user) + ",\n\n"
    footer = "\n\n-Your Boss"
    msg = MIMEText(header + message + footer)

    msg['Subject'] = subject
    msg['From'] = self.my_address
    msg['To'] = email

    s = smtplib.SMTP('localhost')
    s.sendmail(self.my_address, [email], msg.as_string())

EClient = EmailClient("") EClient.send("This is a test Email", "Test Subject", "John Doe", "")

send mail no attachment ${SMTP_SERVER} ${USER} ${PASS} ${mail},${mail2} ${subject} ${text} this NOT working

i really need send it on many emails, my script works on single email only

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