jeudi 18 juillet 2019

Flutter: How to test the dynamic color of a Widget using testWidgets

I want to write unit tests for a custom Widget, specifically check the color of a nested Text Widget that is themed based on BuildContext. How do I test for different styles based on the BuildContext?

The Widget to test:

class ThemedText extends StatelessWidget {
  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    final TextStyle inheritedTextStyle = Theme.of(context).textTheme.subtitle;
    Color customColor = inheritedTextStyle.color;
    if (inheritedTextStyle.color == {
      // Override the inherited color
      customColor =;

    return Text(
      style: inheritedTextStyle.copyWith(color: customColor),

I want to write two tests: - Supply an inherited TextStyle with a color that is, and test whether the Text Widget is rendered with the overriden color (i.e. - Supply an inherited TextStyle with a color that is NOT (e.g., and test whether the Text Widget is rendered with the inherited color (e.g.

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