mardi 8 octobre 2019

How do I test the results of a request made in a private method?

I have the following Javascript code:

(function (MyApp) {

  var MY_KEYS;

    .then(function (response) {
      let parsed = JSON.parse(response).keys;
      MY_KEYS = {};
      MY_KEYS.production = parsed.find(function (key) { return key.environment === 'PROD'; }).kid;
      MY_KEYS.sandbox = parsed.find(function (key) { return key.environment === 'SANDBOX'; }).kid;
    .catch(function () {
      // Error handling

  // --------------------------------------
  // Public Methods
  // --------------------------------------
  function method1 () {
    // Derive values from MY_KEYS

  function method2 () {
    // Derive values from MY_KEYS

  // --------------------------------------
  // Private Methods
  // --------------------------------------
  function get (url) {
    return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) {
      var req = new XMLHttpRequest();'GET', url);
      req.onload = function () {
        if (req.status === 200) {
        } else {

      req.onerror = function () {
        reject(Error('Network Error'));


  // --------------------
  // API
  // --------------------
  window[MyApp] = {
    method1: method1,
    method2: method2

I have two exposed methods and a private get() method that performs a GET request. get() is called on page load and the MY_KEYS value is used in both public methods.

I want to test that the values set in the public methods are correct (which requires MY_KEYS to be correct).

Using Sinon.JS's fake XHR API, My test looks something like:

describe('MyApp: ', function () {

      beforeEach(function() {
        fakeServer = sinon.createFakeServer();
        MyApp = {
          method1: function () {},
          method2: function () {}

      afterEach(function() {

      describe("method1(): ", function () {

        beforeEach(function () {

            var json = {
                keys: [
                    { environment: "PROD", kid: "prodkey" },
                    { environment: "SANDBOX", kid: "sandboxkey" }

            var keysResponse = [
              { 'Content-type': 'application/json' },

            fakeServer.respondWith('GET', '/api/mykeys.jsp', keysResponse);

        it("Function 'launchUI' should be defined", function () {


The test fails with "Expect 0 to be 1" because the call is never made. Any ideas where I'm going wrong?

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