I have an exit button in my application which I want to write a story for. It behaves this way:
- If I have content filled in the form I am editing and I click on the exit button, it will pop up with a confirmation message letting me know there are unsaved content and if I am sure I want to exit from the page.
- If I do not have any content filled in the form I am editing and I click on the exit button, the confirmation message will not show up and I am instantly exited from the form.
What I have so far is something like this:
Given as a User on New Profile page
And I fill in the customer name = "Bob"
When I click on the Exit button
And I click on the "Ok" in the confirmation dialog
Then I will be redirected to the landing page.
My question is the part on And when I fill in the customer name = "Bob"
only covers one of the fields. How do I write the story in a succinct way that if any of the fields are filled or chosen (drop downs), the confirmation dialog will show up ? Secondly, is my story correct ?
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