jeudi 17 octobre 2019

JEST window.location.replace mock function is not called

I have problem with mocking window.location.replace function under @vue/test-utils and JEST. I am pretty sure I mocked function correctly but JEST does not see a call. This is a fragment of code I am trying to test:

// function called by response interceptor
const redirectToLogin = async () => {
    try {
        const url = localStorage.getItem('base-url') || window.location.origin
        window.location.replace(url + '/jwt/token');
        console.log(window.location.replace) //it prints [Function: mockConstructor]
    } catch (e) {

And part of my test:

const location = {
                origin: 'http://origin',
                replace: jest.fn()

            delete global.window.location
            delete global.window.localStorage
            global.window = Object.create(window)
            global.window.location = location
            global.window.localStorage = {
                getItem: jest.fn(),
                setItem: jest.fn()
            api.interceptors.response.handlers.rejected[0]({ response: { data: { error: 'unauthorized', base_url: 'http://base' } } }) // calling interceptor

and I get

Expected mock function to have been called with: ["someurl"] But it was not called.

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