mardi 22 octobre 2019

jqwik Nested Object to be passed to method argument

Using, trying to generate a Rule class with a a nested RuleConfig class inside it. The RuleConfig class has a nested ruleProps which is a Map

The statusReturnedFromApplyingRule method always returns an initialized Rule instead of using the @provide method values ?? Returned Rule: rule:Rule{ruleId='null', inputMetricSelector=null, ruleConfig='RuleConfig{ruleType='null', ruleProps={}}'}, elements:[{}]

Here is my code:

public class RangeMatchRuleTest {

    boolean statusReturnedFromApplyingRule(@ForAll("generateRule") Rule rule,
                                           @ForAll("generateInputMapElements") Iterable<Map<String, Object>> elements) {
        RangeMatchRule rangeMatchRule = new RangeMatchRule();
        final RuleIF.Status status = rangeMatchRule.applyRule(rule, elements);
        return RuleIF.getEnums().contains(status.toString());

    Arbitrary<Rule> generateRule() {
        Rule rule = new Rule();
        RuleConfig ruleConfig = new RuleConfig();
        Map<String, Object> ruleProps = new HashMap<>();

        Arbitrary<Double> lowThresholdArb = Arbitraries.doubles()
                .between(0.0, 29.0);
        lowThresholdArb.allValues().ifPresent(doubleStream -> ruleProps.put(Utils.LOW_THRESHOLD, doubleStream.findFirst().get()));
        // -> ruleProps.put(Utils.LOW_THRESHOLD, lowThreshold) );
        Arbitrary<Double> highThresholdArb = Arbitraries.doubles()
                .between(30.0, 50.0); -> ruleProps.put(Utils.HIGH_THRESHOLD, highThreshold));
        return Arbitraries.create(() -> rule);

    Arbitrary<Iterable<Map<String, Object>>> generateInputMapElements() {
        Arbitrary<Double> metricValueArb = Arbitraries.doubles()
                .between(0, 50.0);
        Map<String, Object> inputMap = new HashMap<>(); -> inputMap.put(Utils.METRIC_VALUE, metricValue));
        List<Map<String, Object>> inputMapLst = new ArrayList<>();
        return Arbitraries.create(() -> inputMapLst);


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