mardi 8 octobre 2019

PHPUnit check method returns type

I have a trouble to test what type of content returns the method. On success it returns string or int, at fail returns array. So code like this

public function createAddressBook($bookName)
    if (true)
        return 'OK';
    return ['error' => 'FAIL'];

The real code of the method is API request for new book ID that is int or string and i don't know what value will returns. My test code is like so:

public function setUp()
    $this->stub = $this->createMock(\My\Class::class);

public function tearDown()
    $this->stub = null;

public function testCreateAddressBook()
   $result = $this->stub->createAddressBook('TestBookName');
   //what to do now?

My question is how to test method for returning value type?

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