jeudi 3 octobre 2019

Programmatically update CANoe file version

working in a model-based development environment, I get periodic releases of a CANoe simulation.

All files linked to the simulation.cfg configuration file are organized in a folder tree that differs only by its name, and no architectural updates are foreseen (only updates of dbc files, dlls and so on).

I'm putting together a script to automatically change the root directory (containing the release version in the name - e.g. release_1.0\) of linked files. What I would like to achieve is a master configuration (master.cfg) that I can manipulate at will, adding analysis scripts in CAPL and whatnot, and that links to whatever release version I desire.

In this way, I don't have to keep adding my scripts and linked files to the simulation release.

Q: Am I running into troubles I can't see? For instance, stuff that is hardcoded in the simulation.cfg and not in the linked files that might change the behavior of the simulation in the releases (in general, what is hardcoded in a simulation.cfg file of CANoe)?

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