I am developing a demo spring boot app in which it is possible to configure 3 different database with a DDBBconfig class by usisng application.properties of the aplication. The class iis the following:
public class DDBBConfig {
//Flags Configuration
private Boolean postgresql;
private Boolean mysql;
private Boolean h2;
//Datasource Configuration parameters
private String driverMysql;
private String urlMysql;
private String usernameMysql;
private String passwordMysql;
private String driverPostgresql;
private String urlPostgresql;
private String usernamePostgresql;
private String passwordPostgresql;
private String driverH2;
private String urlH2;
private String usernameH2;
private String passwordH2;
public DataSource getDataSource() {
DataSourceBuilder dataSourceBuilder = DataSourceBuilder.create();
validateOnlyOneFlag( postgresql, mysql, h2 );
if (Boolean.TRUE.equals( mysql )) {
dataSourceBuilder.driverClassName( driverMysql );
dataSourceBuilder.url( urlMysql );
dataSourceBuilder.username( usernameMysql );
dataSourceBuilder.password( passwordMysql );
} else if (Boolean.TRUE.equals( postgresql )) {
dataSourceBuilder.driverClassName( driverPostgresql );
dataSourceBuilder.url( urlPostgresql );
dataSourceBuilder.username( usernamePostgresql );
dataSourceBuilder.password( passwordPostgresql );
} else if (Boolean.TRUE.equals( h2 )) {
dataSourceBuilder.driverClassName( driverH2 );
dataSourceBuilder.url( urlH2 );
dataSourceBuilder.username( usernameH2 );
dataSourceBuilder.password( passwordH2 );
return dataSourceBuilder.build();
public void validateOnlyOneFlag(Boolean postgress, Boolean mySql, Boolean h2) {
Integer flagsTrue = 0;
if (postgress) {
if (mySql) {
if (h2) {
if (flagsTrue > 1) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException( "There is more than One database Flags to True." + "\n\tDDBB.postgresql=" + postgress +
"\n\tDDBB.mysql=" + mySql + "\n\tDDBB.h2=" + h2 );
} else if (flagsTrue == 0) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException( "\n\n\tDatabase flags are all false, please set at least one flag to true" );
Then in the application.properties I have somo flags and the configuration parameters.
#Properties mysql
#Properties postgresql
#Properties H2
Its works perfect so I can configure 3 databases.
Then I also have a DataBase initialization class that add some initial data for initialization and front developing reasons. It initialize the roles, creates a default admin user for login and so on.
public class DDBBInitializer {
private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger( DDBBInitializer.class );
private RoleRepository roleRepository;
private UserRepository userRepository;
private OwnerRepository ownerRepository;
PetRepository petRepository;
private PasswordEncoder passwordEncoder;
private void init() {
for (Roles role : Roles.values()) {
Role roleEntity = new Role( role );
roleRepository.save( roleEntity );
log.info( "Role: " + roleEntity.getRoleName() + " stored on DDBB" );
//TODO: Hacer el usuario y contraseña una property configurable
User defaultAdminUser = new User();
defaultAdminUser.setUserId( new BigDecimal( 1 ) );
defaultAdminUser.addOneRole( Roles.ADMIN );
defaultAdminUser.setUsername( "AdminRoot" );
defaultAdminUser.setPassword( passwordEncoder.encode( "AdminPass246" ) );
defaultAdminUser.setActive( true );
defaultAdminUser.setEmail( "rootEmail@root.com" );
log.info( "Default AdminUser Created: " + defaultAdminUser.getUsername() + "/AdminPass246" );
Owner adminOwnerProfile = new Owner();
adminOwnerProfile.setAddress( "Calle de jacinto Nº6 Bajo B" );
adminOwnerProfile.setName( "Manolo" );
adminOwnerProfile.setSurname( "Amelgas" );
adminOwnerProfile.setDefaulter( false );
adminOwnerProfile.setTelephoneNumber( "678987656 " );
adminOwnerProfile.setUser( defaultAdminUser );
defaultAdminUser.setOwner( adminOwnerProfile );
log.info( "Default Owner Created: " + adminOwnerProfile.getName() );
Pet testPet = new Pet();
testPet.setAlive( true );
testPet.setBitrh( new Date() );
testPet.setBreed( "Carlino" );
testPet.setFur( "White" );
testPet.setName( "Lucky" );
testPet.setOwner( adminOwnerProfile );
adminOwnerProfile.addPet( testPet );
userRepository.save( defaultAdminUser );
Now I want to create all Test with Junit for all methods that I have in my application (currently i have like 10 controllers, 15 services and 30 different methods to Test) I would like to configure the test to always use an H2 database and load some initial data and i cant find good documentation about it. How i should proccedd to load initial data as i do for the app but only for the test?.
I have try to create a /test/resources/application-test.properties with the same parameters as in /java/resources/application.properties but configuring H2 but with this properties I should call first the DDBBconfiguration class to configure database and Its a configuration class located in java/src, not in tests folder ¿Should I inject it on test as a bean and configure the database?
I have now idea about how to proceed
all the help you can give me would be appreciated.
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