vendredi 27 décembre 2019

JUnit tests not running in order

I am using JUnit 5 to test DynamoDB, and I have a set up method annotated with @BeforeAll where I insert 3 items in the database, and one annotated with @AfterAll to delete the items in the database after all the test have run.

public void addNewCar() { Car("d"));


I am inserting a new item first, and then I delete one item:

public void deleteCar() {


However, the first test is failing (the count is 3 instead of 4) because the car that is deleted in test number 2 is already removed in test number 1.

I am able to solve it by running by annotating the setup and clean database methods with @BeforeEach and AfterEach, but I am curious why my item is already deleted in test 1?

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