vendredi 28 août 2020

Laravel: How can I fake an http request to a 3rd party & mock json response

I'm struggling to figure out what is probably something that's very basic and I'll get laughed out of here but I'm hoping maybe it'll help someone else as well.

I am trying to mock/test an Http request in a feature test. I am still learning good/better/best techniques for testing so perhaps there is a much better way.

// MyFeatureTest.php

$user = factory(User::class)->create(['email' => '']);

// Prevent actual request(s) from being made.

$this->actingAs($user, 'api')

In my controller my request looks like this:

public function myFunction() {
    try {
        $http = Http::withHeaders([
                'Accept' => 'application/json',
                'Access_Token' => 'my-token',
                'Content-Type' => 'application/json',
            ->get(', [
                'foo' => 'bar,

        return new MyResource($http->json());
    } catch (RequestException $exception) {
        Log::error("Exception error: " . print_r($exception, true));

I would like to mock that I'm getting a 200 response, and ideally mock the expected json from the resource. I've successfully been able to do this test when the endpoint is local to my application (does not call to a 3rd party). This is what I've done in the past:

        'type', 'id', 'attributes' => [
            'email', 'uuid', 'created_at', 'updated_at',
    ->assertJson(['type' => 'example',...]);

In the docs I can see this:

    '*' => Http::response(['foo' => 'bar'], 200, ['Headers']),

How can I mock/fake the request to a 3rd party url and assert a good response? Thank you for any suggestions!

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