lundi 26 octobre 2020

How to run all TestModule in [Test Setup for Test Modules] CANoe

My [Test Setup for Test Modules] same here:

Environment1 (Test_Environment.tse)
-TestEnv1Folder (Folder)

  • TestModuleEnv1-1
  • TestModuleEnv1-2
    -TestFolder (Folder)
    • TestModuleInFolder1
    • TestModuleInFolder2
      -TestFolder2 (Folder)
      • TestModuleEnv2-1
      • TestModuleEnv2-2

I understand use:

 test_environment = self.application.Configuration.TestSetup.TestEnvironments.Item("Environment1")
 test_environment = win32.CastTo(test_environment, "ITestEnvironment2")
 testM = test_environment.Folders.Item("TestFolder")

and I run Test Module in [TestFolder] folder... I understand that I have to use p"Folders.Item (index)" in order to run the test Module. (Index will increase gradually).

Question: How can I run the all testModule in all folders(TestEnv1Folder, TestFolder and TestFolder2)?

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