mardi 20 octobre 2020

Please help me with JavaScript when we use Selenium , want ot test all broken links from full website

please help me with JavaScript.

So far as now , I can use selenium to test broken links from webpage ,like from homepage etc ,but it test only the broken links on that page, and now I need to know how can I test all broken links from full website . Is there anyway with selenium to test it ? Please. Really need it now .

PS: here is my code to find broken links on one page , so what else can I add on this script to test all broken links from entire website ? Or maybe some nice of you have better script to test it ? Please help me out ..

List<WebElement> links = driver.findElements(By.tagName("a"));


for(int i=0;i<links.size();i++)
WebElement element=links.get(i);
String url=element.getAttribute("href");

URL link=new URL(url);

URLConnection httpConn =link.openConnection();



int rescode=((HttpURLConnection) httpConn).getResponseCode();

    System.out.println(url +" - "+" is broken link");

    System.out.println(url +" - "+" is valid link");


  public static void main(String[] args) throws Throwable { 
   testbrokenlinks obj= new  testbrokenlinks();
    // TODO Auto-generated method stub


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