mardi 6 octobre 2020

What is the correct way to select a label with react-native-testing-library?

I am using tcomb forms to create my react-native forms. Within the form structure there are 3 dropdown selectors: birthdate, gender, and country. I am testing the component using jest and I cannot find a way to select the dropdown form sections. Currently I am trying this:

const firstNameInput = getByLabelText('First Name');
const lastNameInput = getByLabelText('Last Name');
const birthDateInput = getByLabelText('Date of Birth');
const genderInput = getByLabelText('Gender');
const countryInput = getByLabelText('Country');
const bioInput = getByLabelText('Bio');
const zipInput = getByLabelText('Zip');

This does not find any instance of the label, even though I have the label set as such:

const FORM_OPTIONS = {
  stylesheet: Widgets.tCombStylesheet,
  fields: {
    firstName: {
      label: 'First Name',
      placeholder: '',
      error: Strings.invalidFirstNameWarning
    lastName: {
      label: 'Last Name',
      placeholder: '',
      error: Strings.invalidLastNameWarning
    birthdate: {
      mode: 'date',
      label: 'Date of Birth',
      error: Strings.invalidBirthDateWarning,
      config: {
        placeholder: ''
    gender: {
      label: 'Gender',
      error: Strings.invalidGenderWarning,
      config: {
        items: Object.values(genders),
        placeholder: 'Select a gender'
    country: {
      label: 'Country',
      error: Strings.invalidCountryWarning,
      config: {
        items: countries,
        placeholder: 'Select a country'
    zipCode: {
      label: 'Zip',
      placeholder: '',
      error: Strings.invalidZipCodeWarning

The other options on the form are selectable, see first name and last name. However, the birthdate, gender, and country are not found by getLabelByText, even though there is clearly a label on the element.

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