mardi 6 octobre 2020

While running tests for autogoal ML library got this error ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'scipy'

While testing in autogoal ML library, it is throwing error mentioned above. For this line from scipy.sparse.base import spmatrix in file.

To reproduce the error, please run:

python -m pytest autogoal tests --doctest-modules -m "not slow" --ignore=tests/contrib --ignore=autogoal/contrib --ignore=autogoal/datasets --cov=autogoal

Error Traceback:

 ERROR collecting autogoal/ _____________________
autogoal/ in <module>
    from autogoal import kb
autogoal/kb/ in <module>
    from ._data import *
autogoal/kb/ in <module>
    from scipy.sparse.base import spmatrix
E   ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'scipy'

Can you suggest where it is going wrong?

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