mardi 6 octobre 2020

widget test, testing a button with CircularProgressIndicator

I have two tests that after a click on a button I want to test if a CircularProgressIndicator will appear on the button. The problem is after the tap and the tester.pump(), it can't find the CircularProgressIndicator causing the test to fail, I tried with pumpAndSettle() and also add a Duration(seconds:x) but got the same error

It's weird because the tests were ok before I update my flutterFire packages and migrate to use the Android embbeding V2.

testWidgets("Should show loading button when click on request button ",
        (WidgetTester tester) async {
      await tester.pumpWidget(
          home: FinancialDialogBill(
            paymentId: "fakePaymentId",
            additionalValueType: AdditionalValueType.fee,
            billValues: billValues,
            installmentList: installments,

      expect(find.byKey(financialDialogBillRequestButton), findsOneWidget);
      expect(find.byKey(financialDialogBillRequestButtonLoading), findsNothing);

      await tester.tap(find.byKey(financialDialogBillRequestButton));

      await tester.pump();

          find.byKey(financialDialogBillRequestButtonLoading), findsOneWidget);
      expect(find.byKey(financialDialogBillRequestButton), findsNothing);


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