mardi 23 février 2021

.net core xunit How verify if method was called from inherited class

I have a base class called BaseService, and i want to verify if method IsValid was called in my unit test.

public interface IBaseService
    bool IsValid<Dto, DtoValidator>(Dto entityDto, DtoValidator validator) where DtoValidator : AbstractValidator<Dto>;

public class BaseService : IBaseService
    protected readonly IMapper _mapper;
    protected readonly INotificationService _notification;

    public BaseService(
        IMapper mapper,
        INotificationService notification)
        _mapper = mapper;
        _notification = notification;

    public bool IsValid<Dto, DtoValidator>(Dto entityDto, DtoValidator validator) where DtoValidator : AbstractValidator<Dto>
        var result = validator.Validate(entityDto);
        foreach (var error in result.Errors)
        return result.IsValid;

Class that use BaseService , some parts of code was omited

public interface IAfiliadoService : IBaseService {}

public class AfiliadoService : BaseService, IAfiliadoService
    public AfiliadoService(
        IMapper mapper,
        INotificationService notification) : base(mapper, notification)
        _afiliadoRepository = afiliadoRepository;
        _lojaRepository = lojaRepository;          

    public async Task<AfiliadoResponseDto> AddAsync(AddAfiliadoRequestDto request)
        if (IsValid(request, new AddAfiliadoRequestDtoValidator()))

In my test project i created those classes

public class MockBaseService
    public readonly Mock<IMapper> _mapper;
    public readonly Mock<INotificationService> _notification;

    public MockBaseService()
        _mapper = new Mock<IMapper>();
        _notification = new Mock<INotificationService>();

public class AfiliadoServiceTest : MockBaseService
    private readonly IAfiliadoService _afiliadoService;

    public AfiliadoServiceTest()
        _afiliadoService = new AfiliadoService(

    public async Task AdicionarUsuarioComEmailQueJaExisteDeveNotificar()
        var request = new AddAfiliadoRequestDto();

        var result = await _afiliadoService.AddAsync(request);


            .Verify(v => v.Notify(It.IsAny<string>()), Times.Once);

        // Here i want verify if method IsValid was called Once, like the verification above

I tried some things but with no success. Exemple with what i want.

var mock = new Mock<AfiliadoService>();
mock.Verify(v => v.IsValid(request, new AddAfiliadoRequestDtoValidator()), Times.Once);

I know this not work because i called AfiliadoService by itself and not by mock instace, and didnt setup the IsValid. But the question is how i do this with what i have. I whant some mock in MockBaseService that can be called to verify the method was called.

Im using .net core - 3.1 xunit - 2.4.1 Moq - 4.16.0

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